12 October 2010

So this has been circulating 'round the 'net over last few days, and the jury is out.

Is it Lady Gaga? Hell yeah - either that or she has a darn good impersonator out there. One she may like to find. And potentially get rid of.

Is it good? Hell yeah again. I'd go as far as saying it's better than good. Catchy, infectious and very pop.

Is it new? My verdict - no. Whilst it's good (I've already played it way too many times, confirming yes, I'm a homo); it certainly doesn't sound like anything developed/new/ground-breaking. What it does sound like is a cut track from The Fame. Very Gaga, but very 2008.

Tell me, what's your thoughts peeps?

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  1. Mate whilst I like Lady G, she is in desperate need of some therapy. During her stint at Loola she kept screaming how she wanted to f$%* Jesus. She's confused and so is this track
